For a limited time, we are offering free copies of our book, Estate Planning for Florida Residents. This 27-page book is beautifully soft-bound and the information has been thoroughly updated for 2025.
The book contains valuable information on estate and tax planning, including:
- Establishing Residency in Florida
- Living Will Declaration
- Designation of Health Care Surrogate
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Declaration of Preneed Guardian
- Last Will and Testament
- Revocable Living Trust
- Planning for Nursing Home Care
- Estate and Gift Taxes
- The Unified Credit
- Testamentary Credit Shelter Trusts
- Marital Deduction Trusts
- Portability of a Deceased Spouse’s Unused Federal Estate Tax Exclusion Amount
- Making Lifetime Gifts
- Irrevocable Trusts
- Charitable Trusts
- Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Planning
- Legal Entities in Estate Planning
- Asset Protection and Preservation
Request your free copy today!
This free offer is limited to requests shipping to Florida addresses only.